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[Plugin]FMU Christmass Gifts

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Joined : 29/09/2011
Posts : 1228
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Age : 27
[Plugin]FMU Christmass Gifts Empty
MesajSubiect: [Plugin]FMU Christmass Gifts [Plugin]FMU Christmass Gifts Icon_minitimeVin Sept 25, 2015 3:58 am

FMU Christmass Gifts

Descriere: Cand un jucator omoara un jucator, are x% sanse sa ii pice un cadou.
Cadoul poate fi un cadou bun, sau un cadou rau.

[sursa=Lista Cadouri]Cadouri bune:
    HP + AP

Cadouri rele:
    3 PALME


Descarcare: [sursa=FCS Christmass Gifts + Credits]#include < amxmodx >
#include < cstrike >
#include < fakemeta >
#include < engine >
#include < fun >

//#include < fcs >
//#include < CC_ColorChat >

#pragma semicolon 1

#define PLUGIN "Furien Christmass Gifts"
#define VERSION "0.6.3"

* Returns a players credits
* @param client - The player index to get points of
* @return The credits client

native fcs_get_user_credits(client);

* Sets to client
* @param client - The player index to set points to
* @param credits - The amount of credits to set to client
* @return The credits of client

native fcs_set_user_credits(client, credits);

* Adds points to client
* @param client - The player index to add points to
* @param credits - The amount of credits to set to client
* @return The credits of client

stock fcs_add_user_credits(client, credits)
return fcs_set_user_credits(client, fcs_get_user_credits(client) + credits);

* Subtracts from client
* @param client - The player index to subtract points from
* @param credits - The amount of credits to set to client
* @return The credits of client

stock fcs_sub_user_credits(client, credits)
return fcs_set_user_credits(client, fcs_get_user_credits(client) - credits);

enum Color
NORMAL = 1, // Culoarea care o are jucatorul setata in cvar-ul scr_concolor.
GREEN, // Culoare Verde.
TEAM_COLOR, // Culoare Rosu, Albastru, Gri.
GREY, // Culoarea Gri.
RED, // Culoarea Rosu.
BLUE, // Culoarea Albastru.

new TeamName[ ][ ] =




new const g_szFmuGiftsModels[ 7 ][ ] =



new const g_iFmuGiftsColors[ 7 ][ 3 ] =
{ 0, 255, 255 },
{ 0, 255, 125 },
{ 255, 125, 65 },
{ 255, 0, 125 },
{ 255, 25, 25 },
{ 255, 255, 0 },
{ 255, 255, 255 }

new const FMU_TAG[ ] = "[Furien Gifts]";
new const g_szGiftClassName[ ] = "FurienGift_byAskhanar";

// Nu modifica !!
new Float:fMaxs[ 3 ] = { 14.0, 14.0, 35.0 };
new Float:fMins[ 3 ] = { -14.0, -14.0, 0.0 };
// Nu modifica !!

new gCvarGiftHP;
new gCvarGiftAP;
new gCvarGiftMoney;
new gCvarGiftCREDITS;
new gCvarGiftChance;

public plugin_precache( )
for( new i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
precache_model( g_szFmuGiftsModels[ i ] );

public plugin_init( )

register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, "Askhanar" );

gCvarGiftHP = register_cvar( "fmu_gifts_hp", "5" );
gCvarGiftAP = register_cvar( "fmu_gifts_ap", "5" );
gCvarGiftMoney = register_cvar( "fmu_gifts_money", "5500" );
gCvarGiftCREDITS = register_cvar( "fmu_gifts_credits", "35" );
gCvarGiftChance = register_cvar( "fmu_gifts_chance", "75" );

register_event( "DeathMsg", "EventDeathMsg", "a" );

register_event( "HLTV", "DeleteAllGifts", "a", "1=0", "2=0" );
register_event( "TextMsg", "DeleteAllGifts", "a", "2=#Game_will_restart_in" );

// Oprita.. ( cand omori ultimu jucator, pica cadoul dar e sters de chemarea eventului.. ).
//register_logevent( "DeleteAllGifts", 2, "0=World triggered", "1=Round_Draw", "1=Round_End" );

register_touch( g_szGiftClassName, "player", "FwdPlayerTouchGift" );


public EventDeathMsg( )

new iKiller = read_data( 1 );
new iVictim = read_data( 2 );

if( iVictim != iKiller )

static iRandomChance;
iRandomChance = random_num( 1, 100 );

static iChance;
iChance = get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftChance );

if( iRandomChance <= iChance )
new iParm[ 3 ];

new Float:fUserOrigin[ 3 ], iUserOrigin[ 3 ];
pev(iVictim, pev_origin, fUserOrigin );
FVecIVec( fUserOrigin, iUserOrigin );

iParm[ 0 ] = iUserOrigin[ 0 ];
iParm[ 1 ] = iUserOrigin[ 1 ];
iParm[ 2 ] = iUserOrigin[ 2 ];

set_task( 0.7, "CreateGift", _, iParm, 3 );


return 0;

public CreateGift( iParm[ ] )
new iOrigin[ 3 ], Float:fOrigin[ 3 ];

iOrigin[ 0 ] = iParm[ 0 ];
iOrigin[ 1 ] = iParm[ 1 ];
iOrigin[ 2 ] = iParm[ 2 ];
IVecFVec( iOrigin, fOrigin );

new iEnt = create_entity( "info_target" );
if ( !is_valid_ent(iEnt) ) return 0;

new iRandom = random_num( 0, 6 );

entity_set_string( iEnt, EV_SZ_classname, g_szGiftClassName );
entity_set_origin( iEnt, fOrigin );
entity_set_model( iEnt, g_szFmuGiftsModels[ iRandom ] );
entity_set_int( iEnt, EV_INT_movetype, MOVETYPE_NONE );
entity_set_int( iEnt, EV_INT_solid, SOLID_BBOX );
entity_set_size( iEnt, fMins, fMaxs );

set_rendering( iEnt,
g_iFmuGiftsColors[ iRandom ][ 0 ],
g_iFmuGiftsColors[ iRandom ][ 1 ],
g_iFmuGiftsColors[ iRandom ][ 2 ],
255 );

drop_to_floor( iEnt );

new Float:fVelocity[ 3 ];
fVelocity[ 0 ] = ( random_float( 0.0, 256.0 ) - 128.0 );
fVelocity[ 1 ] = ( random_float( 0.0, 256.0 ) - 128.0 );
fVelocity[ 2 ] = ( random_float( 0.0, 300.0 ) + 75.0 );

entity_set_vector( iEnt, EV_VEC_velocity, fVelocity );

return 0;

public DeleteAllGifts( )
new iFoundEntity;

while ( ( iFoundEntity = find_ent_by_class( iFoundEntity, g_szGiftClassName ) ) != 0 )
engfunc( EngFunc_RemoveEntity, iFoundEntity );


public FwdPlayerTouchGift( const iEnt, const id )

if( is_valid_ent( iEnt ) && is_user_alive( id ) )

static iRandomChance;
iRandomChance = random_num( 1, 100 );
if( iRandomChance <= 90 )
new iRandomGift = random_num( GIFT_HP, GIFT_CREDITS );
while( iRandomGift == GIFT_HE && user_has_weapon( id, CSW_HEGRENADE ) )
iRandomGift = random_num( GIFT_HP, GIFT_CREDITS );

GivePlayerGift( id, iRandomGift );
new iRandomGift = random_num( BADGIFT_MONEY, BADGIFT_SLAP );
while( iRandomGift == BADGIFT_MONEY && cs_get_user_money( id ) == 0 )
iRandomGift = random_num( BADGIFT_MONEY, BADGIFT_SLAP );

GivePlayerGift( id, iRandomGift );

remove_entity( iEnt );


return 0;

public GivePlayerGift( id, const iGiftType )

switch( iGiftType )

case GIFT_HP:
set_user_health( id, get_user_health( id ) + get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftHP ) );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a oferit cadou^x03 %i HP^x01!", FMU_TAG, get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftHP ) );

case GIFT_AP:
set_user_armor( id, get_user_armor( id ) + get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftAP ) );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a oferit cadou^x03 %i AP^x01!", FMU_TAG, get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftAP ) );

case GIFT_HP_AP:
static iHP;
iHP = get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftHP );
static iAP;
iAP = get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftAP );
set_user_health( id, get_user_health( id ) + iHP );
set_user_armor( id, get_user_armor( id ) + iAP );

ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a oferit cadou^x03 %i HP^x01 si^x03 %i AP^x01!", FMU_TAG, iHP, iAP );
cs_set_user_money( id, clamp( cs_get_user_money( id ) + get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftMoney ), 0, 16000 ) );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a oferit cadou^x03 %i$^x01!", FMU_TAG, get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftMoney ) );
case GIFT_HE:

give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a oferit cadou un^x03 HE^x01!", FMU_TAG );

fcs_add_user_credits( id, get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftCREDITS ) );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a oferit cadou^x03 %i CREDITE^x01!", FMU_TAG, get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftCREDITS ) );

cs_set_user_money( id, 0 );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x03 NU^x01 ai fost destul de^x03 cuminte^x01!", FMU_TAG );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a confiscat toti banii!", FMU_TAG );
strip_user_weapons( id );
give_item( id, "weapon_knife" );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x03 NU^x01 ai fost destul de^x03 cuminte^x01!", FMU_TAG );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a confiscat toate armele!", FMU_TAG );
set_task( 0.1, "PunchUser", id );
set_task( 0.2, "PunchUser", id );
set_task( 0.3, "PunchUser", id );

ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x03 NU^x01 ai fost destul de^x03 cuminte^x01!", FMU_TAG );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a dat^x03 3^x01 palme!", FMU_TAG );

public PunchUser( id )
if( !is_user_connected( id ) )
return 1;

new Float:fRandomAngles[ 3 ];
for(new i = 0; i < 3; i++)
fRandomAngles[ i ] = random_float( 100.0, 150.0 );

entity_set_vector(id, EV_VEC_punchangle, fRandomAngles );
user_slap( id, random_num( 1, 5 ) );

return 0;

ColorChat( id, Color:iType, const msg[ ], { Float, Sql, Result, _}:... )

// Daca nu se afla nici un jucator pe server oprim TOT. Altfel dam de erori..
if( !get_playersnum( ) ) return;

new szMessage[ 256 ];

switch( iType )
// Culoarea care o are jucatorul setata in cvar-ul scr_concolor.
case NORMAL: szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x01;

// Culoare Verde.
case GREEN: szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x04;

// Alb, Rosu, Albastru.
default: szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x03;

vformat( szMessage[ 1 ], 251, msg, 4 );

// Ne asiguram ca mesajul nu este mai lung de 192 de caractere.Altfel pica server-ul.
szMessage[ 192 ] = '^0';

new iTeam, iColorChange, iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type;

if( id )
iPlayerIndex = id;
iPlayerIndex = CC_FindPlayer( );

iTeam = get_user_team( iPlayerIndex );
iColorChange = CC_ColorSelection( iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type, iType);

CC_ShowColorMessage( iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type, szMessage );

if( iColorChange ) CC_Team_Info( iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type, TeamName[ iTeam ] );


CC_ShowColorMessage( id, const iType, const szMessage[ ] )

static bool:bSayTextUsed;
static iMsgSayText;

if( !bSayTextUsed )
iMsgSayText = get_user_msgid( "SayText" );
bSayTextUsed = true;

message_begin( iType, iMsgSayText, _, id );
write_byte( id );
write_string( szMessage );
message_end( );

CC_Team_Info( id, const iType, const szTeam[ ] )
static bool:bTeamInfoUsed;
static iMsgTeamInfo;
if( !bTeamInfoUsed )
iMsgTeamInfo = get_user_msgid( "TeamInfo" );
bTeamInfoUsed = true;

message_begin( iType, iMsgTeamInfo, _, id );
write_byte( id );
write_string( szTeam );
message_end( );

return 1;

CC_ColorSelection( id, const iType, Color:iColorType)
switch( iColorType )

case RED: return CC_Team_Info( id, iType, TeamName[ 1 ] );
case BLUE: return CC_Team_Info( id, iType, TeamName[ 2 ] );
case GREY: return CC_Team_Info( id, iType, TeamName[ 0 ] );


return 0;

CC_FindPlayer( )
new iMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers( );

for( new i = 1; i <= iMaxPlayers; i++ )
if( is_user_connected( i ) )
return i;

return -1;

Aveti nevoie de pluginul meu de credite pe care il gasiti [Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link].
[sursa=FCS Christmass Gifts -Credits]#include < amxmodx >
#include < cstrike >
#include < fakemeta >
#include < engine >
#include < fun >

#pragma semicolon 1

#define PLUGIN "Furien Christmas Gifts"
#define VERSION "0.6.3"

enum Color
NORMAL = 1, // Culoarea care o are jucatorul setata in cvar-ul scr_concolor.
GREEN, // Culoare Verde.
TEAM_COLOR, // Culoare Rosu, Albastru, Gri.
GREY, // Culoarea Gri.
RED, // Culoarea Rosu.
BLUE, // Culoarea Albastru.

new TeamName[ ][ ] =




new const g_szFmuGiftsModels[ 7 ][ ] =



new const g_iFmuGiftsColors[ 7 ][ 3 ] =
{ 0, 255, 255 },
{ 0, 255, 125 },
{ 255, 125, 65 },
{ 255, 0, 125 },
{ 255, 25, 25 },
{ 255, 255, 0 },
{ 255, 255, 255 }

new const FMU_TAG[ ] = "[Furien Gifts]";
new const g_szGiftClassName[ ] = "FurienGift_byAskhanar";

// Nu modifica !!
new Float:fMaxs[ 3 ] = { 14.0, 14.0, 35.0 };
new Float:fMins[ 3 ] = { -14.0, -14.0, 0.0 };
// Nu modifica !!

new gCvarGiftHP;
new gCvarGiftAP;
new gCvarGiftMoney;
new gCvarGiftChance;

public plugin_precache( )
for( new i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
precache_model( g_szFmuGiftsModels[ i ] );

public plugin_init( )

register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, "Askhanar" );

gCvarGiftHP = register_cvar( "fmu_gifts_hp", "5" );
gCvarGiftAP = register_cvar( "fmu_gifts_ap", "5" );
gCvarGiftMoney = register_cvar( "fmu_gifts_money", "5500" );
gCvarGiftChance = register_cvar( "fmu_gifts_chance", "75" );

register_event( "DeathMsg", "EventDeathMsg", "a" );

register_event( "HLTV", "DeleteAllGifts", "a", "1=0", "2=0" );
register_event( "TextMsg", "DeleteAllGifts", "a", "2=#Game_will_restart_in" );

// Oprita.. ( cand omori ultimu jucator, pica cadoul dar e sters de chemarea eventului.. ).
//register_logevent( "DeleteAllGifts", 2, "0=World triggered", "1=Round_Draw", "1=Round_End" );

register_touch( g_szGiftClassName, "player", "FwdPlayerTouchGift" );


public EventDeathMsg( )

new iKiller = read_data( 1 );
new iVictim = read_data( 2 );

if( iVictim != iKiller )

static iRandomChance;
iRandomChance = random_num( 1, 100 );

static iChance;
iChance = get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftChance );

if( iRandomChance <= iChance )
new iParm[ 3 ];

new Float:fUserOrigin[ 3 ], iUserOrigin[ 3 ];
pev(iVictim, pev_origin, fUserOrigin );
FVecIVec( fUserOrigin, iUserOrigin );

iParm[ 0 ] = iUserOrigin[ 0 ];
iParm[ 1 ] = iUserOrigin[ 1 ];
iParm[ 2 ] = iUserOrigin[ 2 ];

set_task( 0.7, "CreateGift", _, iParm, 3 );


return 0;

public CreateGift( iParm[ ] )
new iOrigin[ 3 ], Float:fOrigin[ 3 ];

iOrigin[ 0 ] = iParm[ 0 ];
iOrigin[ 1 ] = iParm[ 1 ];
iOrigin[ 2 ] = iParm[ 2 ];
IVecFVec( iOrigin, fOrigin );

new iEnt = create_entity( "info_target" );
if ( !is_valid_ent(iEnt) ) return 0;

new iRandom = random_num( 0, 6 );

entity_set_string( iEnt, EV_SZ_classname, g_szGiftClassName );
entity_set_origin( iEnt, fOrigin );
entity_set_model( iEnt, g_szFmuGiftsModels[ iRandom ] );
entity_set_int( iEnt, EV_INT_movetype, MOVETYPE_NONE );
entity_set_int( iEnt, EV_INT_solid, SOLID_BBOX );
entity_set_size( iEnt, fMins, fMaxs );

set_rendering( iEnt,
g_iFmuGiftsColors[ iRandom ][ 0 ],
g_iFmuGiftsColors[ iRandom ][ 1 ],
g_iFmuGiftsColors[ iRandom ][ 2 ],
255 );

drop_to_floor( iEnt );

new Float:fVelocity[ 3 ];
fVelocity[ 0 ] = ( random_float( 0.0, 256.0 ) - 128.0 );
fVelocity[ 1 ] = ( random_float( 0.0, 256.0 ) - 128.0 );
fVelocity[ 2 ] = ( random_float( 0.0, 300.0 ) + 75.0 );

entity_set_vector( iEnt, EV_VEC_velocity, fVelocity );

return 0;

public DeleteAllGifts( )
new iFoundEntity;

while ( ( iFoundEntity = find_ent_by_class( iFoundEntity, g_szGiftClassName ) ) != 0 )
engfunc( EngFunc_RemoveEntity, iFoundEntity );


public FwdPlayerTouchGift( const iEnt, const id )

if( is_valid_ent( iEnt ) && is_user_alive( id ) )

static iRandomChance;
iRandomChance = random_num( 1, 100 );
if( iRandomChance <= 90 )
new iRandomGift = random_num( GIFT_HP, GIFT_HE );
while( iRandomGift == GIFT_HE && user_has_weapon( id, CSW_HEGRENADE ) )
iRandomGift = random_num( GIFT_HP, GIFT_HE );

GivePlayerGift( id, iRandomGift );
new iRandomGift = random_num( BADGIFT_MONEY, BADGIFT_SLAP );
while( iRandomGift == BADGIFT_MONEY && cs_get_user_money( id ) == 0 )
iRandomGift = random_num( BADGIFT_MONEY, BADGIFT_SLAP );

GivePlayerGift( id, iRandomGift );

remove_entity( iEnt );


return 0;

public GivePlayerGift( id, const iGiftType )

switch( iGiftType )

case GIFT_HP:
set_user_health( id, get_user_health( id ) + get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftHP ) );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a oferit cadou^x03 %i HP^x01!", FMU_TAG, get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftHP ) );

case GIFT_AP:
set_user_armor( id, get_user_armor( id ) + get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftAP ) );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a oferit cadou^x03 %i AP^x01!", FMU_TAG, get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftAP ) );

case GIFT_HP_AP:
static iHP;
iHP = get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftHP );
static iAP;
iAP = get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftAP );
set_user_health( id, get_user_health( id ) + iHP );
set_user_armor( id, get_user_armor( id ) + iAP );

ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a oferit cadou^x03 %i HP^x01 si^x03 %i AP^x01!", FMU_TAG, iHP, iAP );
cs_set_user_money( id, clamp( cs_get_user_money( id ) + get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftMoney ), 0, 16000 ) );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a oferit cadou^x03 %i$^x01!", FMU_TAG, get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftMoney ) );
case GIFT_HE:

give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a oferit cadou un^x03 HE^x01!", FMU_TAG );


cs_set_user_money( id, 0 );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x03 NU^x01 ai fost destul de^x03 cuminte^x01!", FMU_TAG );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a confiscat toti banii!", FMU_TAG );
strip_user_weapons( id );
give_item( id, "weapon_knife" );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x03 NU^x01 ai fost destul de^x03 cuminte^x01!", FMU_TAG );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a confiscat toate armele!", FMU_TAG );
set_task( 0.1, "PunchUser", id );
set_task( 0.2, "PunchUser", id );
set_task( 0.3, "PunchUser", id );

ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x03 NU^x01 ai fost destul de^x03 cuminte^x01!", FMU_TAG );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a dat^x03 3^x01 palme!", FMU_TAG );

public PunchUser( id )
if( !is_user_connected( id ) )
return 1;

new Float:fRandomAngles[ 3 ];
for(new i = 0; i < 3; i++)
fRandomAngles[ i ] = random_float( 100.0, 150.0 );

entity_set_vector(id, EV_VEC_punchangle, fRandomAngles );
user_slap( id, random_num( 1, 5 ) );

return 0;

ColorChat( id, Color:iType, const msg[ ], { Float, Sql, Result, _}:... )

// Daca nu se afla nici un jucator pe server oprim TOT. Altfel dam de erori..
if( !get_playersnum( ) ) return;

new szMessage[ 256 ];

switch( iType )
// Culoarea care o are jucatorul setata in cvar-ul scr_concolor.
case NORMAL: szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x01;

// Culoare Verde.
case GREEN: szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x04;

// Alb, Rosu, Albastru.
default: szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x03;

vformat( szMessage[ 1 ], 251, msg, 4 );

// Ne asiguram ca mesajul nu este mai lung de 192 de caractere.Altfel pica server-ul.
szMessage[ 192 ] = '^0';

new iTeam, iColorChange, iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type;

if( id )
iPlayerIndex = id;
iPlayerIndex = CC_FindPlayer( );

iTeam = get_user_team( iPlayerIndex );
iColorChange = CC_ColorSelection( iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type, iType);

CC_ShowColorMessage( iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type, szMessage );

if( iColorChange ) CC_Team_Info( iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type, TeamName[ iTeam ] );


CC_ShowColorMessage( id, const iType, const szMessage[ ] )

static bool:bSayTextUsed;
static iMsgSayText;

if( !bSayTextUsed )
iMsgSayText = get_user_msgid( "SayText" );
bSayTextUsed = true;

message_begin( iType, iMsgSayText, _, id );
write_byte( id );
write_string( szMessage );
message_end( );

CC_Team_Info( id, const iType, const szTeam[ ] )
static bool:bTeamInfoUsed;
static iMsgTeamInfo;
if( !bTeamInfoUsed )
iMsgTeamInfo = get_user_msgid( "TeamInfo" );
bTeamInfoUsed = true;

message_begin( iType, iMsgTeamInfo, _, id );
write_byte( id );
write_string( szTeam );
message_end( );

return 1;

CC_ColorSelection( id, const iType, Color:iColorType)
switch( iColorType )

case RED: return CC_Team_Info( id, iType, TeamName[ 1 ] );
case BLUE: return CC_Team_Info( id, iType, TeamName[ 2 ] );
case GREY: return CC_Team_Info( id, iType, TeamName[ 0 ] );


return 0;

CC_FindPlayer( )
new iMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers( );

for( new i = 1; i <= iMaxPlayers; i++ )
if( is_user_connected( i ) )
return i;

return -1;

[Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link]

Nume: FMU Christmass Gifts
Versiune: 0.6.3
Link oficial: [Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link]

1. Fisierul FMU_CG.sma il puneti in addons/amxmodx/scripting
2. Fisierul FMU_CG.amxx il puneti in addons/amxmodx/plugins
3. Intrati in fisierul addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini si adaugati la urma:

Cvar-uri (se adauga in fisierul amxmodx\configs\amxx.cfg):
    fmu_gifts_hp 5 - cata viata primeste din cadou
    fmu_gifts_ap 5 - cata armura primeste din cadou
    fmu_gifts_money 5500 - cati bani primeste din cadou
    fmu_gifts_credits 34 - cate credite primeste din cadou
    fmu_gifts_chance 75 - cat % sanse are sa primeasca un cadou cand omoara pe cineva. ( 0 dezactiveaza cadourile )

[sursa=Imagini( nu am stat sa le bibilesc )]In prima poza am creat eu cadourile printr`o comanda care, am scoso mai apoi.

[Plugin]FMU Christmass Gifts 1FoVR6n

[Plugin]FMU Christmass Gifts HHLgm6U

[Plugin]FMU Christmass Gifts UNZH1fK

[Plugin]FMU Christmass Gifts ATEjnSc

[Plugin]FMU Christmass Gifts 4IS5pQU

[Plugin]FMU Christmass Gifts Z7GgKAg

[Plugin]FMU Christmass Gifts W53dWU7

[Plugin]FMU Christmass Gifts FLiJ8tO

[Plugin]FMU Christmass Gifts ILyc2VL

[Plugin]FMU Christmass Gifts YpzlJff[/sursa]


[sursa=FMU Christmas Gifts + comanda - credite]#include < amxmodx >
#include < cstrike >
#include < fakemeta >
#include < engine >
#include < fun >
#include < xs >

#pragma semicolon 1

#define PLUGIN "Furien Christmas Gifts"
#define VERSION "0.7.3"


enum Color
NORMAL = 1, // Culoarea care o are jucatorul setata in cvar-ul scr_concolor.
GREEN, // Culoare Verde.
TEAM_COLOR, // Culoare Rosu, Albastru, Gri.
GREY, // Culoarea Gri.
RED, // Culoarea Rosu.
BLUE, // Culoarea Albastru.

new TeamName[ ][ ] =




new const g_szFmuGiftsModels[ 7 ][ ] =



new const g_iFmuGiftsColors[ 7 ][ 3 ] =
{ 0, 255, 255 },
{ 0, 255, 125 },
{ 255, 125, 65 },
{ 255, 0, 125 },
{ 255, 25, 25 },
{ 255, 255, 0 },
{ 255, 255, 255 }

new const FMU_TAG[ ] = "[Furien Gifts]";
new const g_szGiftClassName[ ] = "FurienGift_byAskhanar";

// Nu modifica !!
new Float:fMaxs[ 3 ] = { 14.0, 14.0, 35.0 };
new Float:fMins[ 3 ] = { -14.0, -14.0, 0.0 };
// Nu modifica !!

new gCvarGiftHP;
new gCvarGiftAP;
new gCvarGiftMoney;
new gCvarGiftChance;

public plugin_precache( )
for( new i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
precache_model( g_szFmuGiftsModels[ i ] );

public plugin_init( )

register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, "Askhanar" );

gCvarGiftHP = register_cvar( "fmu_gifts_hp", "5" );
gCvarGiftAP = register_cvar( "fmu_gifts_ap", "5" );
gCvarGiftMoney = register_cvar( "fmu_gifts_money", "5500" );
gCvarGiftChance = register_cvar( "fmu_gifts_chance", "75" );

register_event( "DeathMsg", "EventDeathMsg", "a" );

register_event( "HLTV", "DeleteAllGifts", "a", "1=0", "2=0" );
register_event( "TextMsg", "DeleteAllGifts", "a", "2=#Game_will_restart_in" );

register_clcmd( "add_gift", "ClCmdAddGift" );
register_clcmd( "delete_gift", "ClCmdDeleteGift" );

// Oprita.. ( cand omori ultimu jucator, pica cadoul dar e sters de chemarea eventului.. ).
//register_logevent( "DeleteAllGifts", 2, "0=World triggered", "1=Round_Draw", "1=Round_End" );

register_touch( g_szGiftClassName, "player", "FwdPlayerTouchGift" );


public ClCmdAddGift( id )
if( !(get_user_flags( id ) & ACCESS ) )
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x03 NU^x01 ai acces la aceasta comanda!", FMU_TAG );

new Float:fAimOrigin[ 3 ];
fm_get_aimorigin( id, fAimOrigin );

if( ( engfunc( EngFunc_PointContents, fAimOrigin ) != CONTENTS_SKY )
&& ( engfunc( EngFunc_PointContents, fAimOrigin ) != CONTENTS_SOLID ) )

new iParm[ 3 ];

new iUserOrigin[ 3 ];
FVecIVec( fAimOrigin, iUserOrigin );

iParm[ 0 ] = iUserOrigin[ 0 ];
iParm[ 1 ] = iUserOrigin[ 1 ];
iParm[ 2 ] = iUserOrigin[ 2 ];

set_task( 0.1, "CreateGift", _, iParm, 3 );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Un cadou a fost creat cu succes!", FMU_TAG );

ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x03 Acea locatie este invalida !", FMU_TAG );



public ClCmdDeleteGift( id )

if( !(get_user_flags( id ) & ACCESS ) )
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x03 NU^x01 ai acces la aceasta comanda!", FMU_TAG );

new iEnt, iBody;
get_user_aiming( id, iEnt, iBody );

if( pev_valid( iEnt ) )

static szClassname[ 32 ];
entity_get_string( iEnt, EV_SZ_classname, szClassname, sizeof ( szClassname ) - 1 );

if( !strcmp( szClassname, g_szGiftClassName, 1 ) )
remove_entity( iEnt );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Tocmai ai sters un Cadou!", FMU_TAG );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Trebuie sa te uiti la un Cadou ca sa-l poti sterge!", FMU_TAG );



public EventDeathMsg( )

new iKiller = read_data( 1 );
new iVictim = read_data( 2 );

if( iVictim != iKiller )

static iRandomChance;
iRandomChance = random_num( 1, 100 );

static iChance;
iChance = get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftChance );

if( iRandomChance <= iChance )
new iParm[ 3 ];

new Float:fUserOrigin[ 3 ], iUserOrigin[ 3 ];
pev(iVictim, pev_origin, fUserOrigin );
FVecIVec( fUserOrigin, iUserOrigin );

iParm[ 0 ] = iUserOrigin[ 0 ];
iParm[ 1 ] = iUserOrigin[ 1 ];
iParm[ 2 ] = iUserOrigin[ 2 ];

set_task( 0.7, "CreateGift", _, iParm, 3 );


return 0;

public CreateGift( iParm[ ] )
new iOrigin[ 3 ], Float:fOrigin[ 3 ];

iOrigin[ 0 ] = iParm[ 0 ];
iOrigin[ 1 ] = iParm[ 1 ];
iOrigin[ 2 ] = iParm[ 2 ];
IVecFVec( iOrigin, fOrigin );

new iEnt = create_entity( "info_target" );
if ( !is_valid_ent(iEnt) ) return 0;

new iRandom = random_num( 0, 6 );

entity_set_string( iEnt, EV_SZ_classname, g_szGiftClassName );
entity_set_origin( iEnt, fOrigin );
entity_set_model( iEnt, g_szFmuGiftsModels[ iRandom ] );
entity_set_int( iEnt, EV_INT_movetype, MOVETYPE_NONE );
entity_set_int( iEnt, EV_INT_solid, SOLID_BBOX );
entity_set_size( iEnt, fMins, fMaxs );

set_rendering( iEnt,
g_iFmuGiftsColors[ iRandom ][ 0 ],
g_iFmuGiftsColors[ iRandom ][ 1 ],
g_iFmuGiftsColors[ iRandom ][ 2 ],
255 );

drop_to_floor( iEnt );

new Float:fVelocity[ 3 ];
fVelocity[ 0 ] = ( random_float( 0.0, 256.0 ) - 128.0 );
fVelocity[ 1 ] = ( random_float( 0.0, 256.0 ) - 128.0 );
fVelocity[ 2 ] = ( random_float( 0.0, 300.0 ) + 75.0 );

entity_set_vector( iEnt, EV_VEC_velocity, fVelocity );

return 0;

public DeleteAllGifts( )
new iFoundEntity;

while ( ( iFoundEntity = find_ent_by_class( iFoundEntity, g_szGiftClassName ) ) != 0 )
engfunc( EngFunc_RemoveEntity, iFoundEntity );


public FwdPlayerTouchGift( const iEnt, const id )

if( is_valid_ent( iEnt ) && is_user_alive( id ) )

static iRandomChance;
iRandomChance = random_num( 1, 100 );
if( iRandomChance <= 90 )
new iRandomGift = random_num( GIFT_HP, GIFT_HE );
while( iRandomGift == GIFT_HE && user_has_weapon( id, CSW_HEGRENADE ) )
iRandomGift = random_num( GIFT_HP, GIFT_HE );

GivePlayerGift( id, iRandomGift );
new iRandomGift = random_num( BADGIFT_MONEY, BADGIFT_SLAP );
while( iRandomGift == BADGIFT_MONEY && cs_get_user_money( id ) == 0 )
iRandomGift = random_num( BADGIFT_MONEY, BADGIFT_SLAP );

GivePlayerGift( id, iRandomGift );

remove_entity( iEnt );


return 0;

public GivePlayerGift( id, const iGiftType )

switch( iGiftType )

case GIFT_HP:
set_user_health( id, get_user_health( id ) + get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftHP ) );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a oferit cadou^x03 %i HP^x01!", FMU_TAG, get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftHP ) );

case GIFT_AP:
set_user_armor( id, get_user_armor( id ) + get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftAP ) );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a oferit cadou^x03 %i AP^x01!", FMU_TAG, get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftAP ) );

case GIFT_HP_AP:
static iHP;
iHP = get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftHP );
static iAP;
iAP = get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftAP );
set_user_health( id, get_user_health( id ) + iHP );
set_user_armor( id, get_user_armor( id ) + iAP );

ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a oferit cadou^x03 %i HP^x01 si^x03 %i AP^x01!", FMU_TAG, iHP, iAP );
cs_set_user_money( id, clamp( cs_get_user_money( id ) + get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftMoney ), 0, 16000 ) );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a oferit cadou^x03 %i$^x01!", FMU_TAG, get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftMoney ) );
case GIFT_HE:

give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a oferit cadou un^x03 HE^x01!", FMU_TAG );


cs_set_user_money( id, 0 );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x03 NU^x01 ai fost destul de^x03 cuminte^x01!", FMU_TAG );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a confiscat toti banii!", FMU_TAG );
strip_user_weapons( id );
give_item( id, "weapon_knife" );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x03 NU^x01 ai fost destul de^x03 cuminte^x01!", FMU_TAG );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a confiscat toate armele!", FMU_TAG );
set_task( 0.1, "PunchUser", id );
set_task( 0.2, "PunchUser", id );
set_task( 0.3, "PunchUser", id );

ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x03 NU^x01 ai fost destul de^x03 cuminte^x01!", FMU_TAG );
ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a dat^x03 3^x01 palme!", FMU_TAG );

public PunchUser( id )
if( !is_user_connected( id ) )
return 1;

new Float:fRandomAngles[ 3 ];
for(new i = 0; i < 3; i++)
fRandomAngles[ i ] = random_float( 100.0, 150.0 );

entity_set_vector(id, EV_VEC_punchangle, fRandomAngles );
user_slap( id, random_num( 1, 5 ) );

return 0;

stock fm_get_aimorigin( id, Float:origin[ 3 ] )
new Float:start[ 3 ], Float:view_ofs[ 3 ];

pev( id, pev_origin, start );
pev( id, pev_view_ofs, view_ofs );
xs_vec_add( start, view_ofs, start );

new Float:dest[ 3 ];

pev( id, pev_v_angle, dest );
engfunc( EngFunc_MakeVectors, dest );

global_get( glb_v_forward, dest );
xs_vec_mul_scalar( dest, 9999.0, dest );
xs_vec_add( start, dest, dest );

engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, start, dest, 0, id, 0 );
get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, origin );

return 1;

ColorChat( id, Color:iType, const msg[ ], { Float, Sql, Result, _}:... )

// Daca nu se afla nici un jucator pe server oprim TOT. Altfel dam de erori..
if( !get_playersnum( ) ) return;

new szMessage[ 256 ];

switch( iType )
// Culoarea care o are jucatorul setata in cvar-ul scr_concolor.
case NORMAL: szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x01;

// Culoare Verde.
case GREEN: szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x04;

// Alb, Rosu, Albastru.
default: szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x03;

vformat( szMessage[ 1 ], 251, msg, 4 );

// Ne asiguram ca mesajul nu este mai lung de 192 de caractere.Altfel pica server-ul.
szMessage[ 192 ] = '^0';

new iTeam, iColorChange, iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type;

if( id )
iPlayerIndex = id;
iPlayerIndex = CC_FindPlayer( );

iTeam = get_user_team( iPlayerIndex );
iColorChange = CC_ColorSelection( iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type, iType);

CC_ShowColorMessage( iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type, szMessage );

if( iColorChange ) CC_Team_Info( iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type, TeamName[ iTeam ] );


CC_ShowColorMessage( id, const iType, const szMessage[ ] )

static bool:bSayTextUsed;
static iMsgSayText;

if( !bSayTextUsed )
iMsgSayText = get_user_msgid( "SayText" );
bSayTextUsed = true;

message_begin( iType, iMsgSayText, _, id );
write_byte( id );
write_string( szMessage );
message_end( );

CC_Team_Info( id, const iType, const szTeam[ ] )
static bool:bTeamInfoUsed;
static iMsgTeamInfo;
if( !bTeamInfoUsed )
iMsgTeamInfo = get_user_msgid( "TeamInfo" );
bTeamInfoUsed = true;

message_begin( iType, iMsgTeamInfo, _, id );
write_byte( id );
write_string( szTeam );
message_end( );

return 1;

CC_ColorSelection( id, const iType, Color:iColorType)
switch( iColorType )

case RED: return CC_Team_Info( id, iType, TeamName[ 1 ] );
case BLUE: return CC_Team_Info( id, iType, TeamName[ 2 ] );
case GREY: return CC_Team_Info( id, iType, TeamName[ 0 ] );


return 0;

CC_FindPlayer( )
new iMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers( );

for( new i = 1; i <= iMaxPlayers; i++ )
if( is_user_connected( i ) )
return i;

return -1;

add_gift in consola -> creezi cadoul
delete_gift in consola -> stergi cadoul la care te uiti!

acces-ul la comanda este ADMIN_CVAR !
a fost adaugat #include
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[Plugin]FMU Christmass Gifts

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